Rush Nutrition endorsed by Diabetes South Africa
Porschia RushAs a brand, we pride ourselves in the fact that our products are free from any harmful preservatives, colourants and refined sugars, but rather packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. With this “free from” commitment in mind, we aim to deliver products to our customers that are low GI (improves blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity) and that they can enjoy themselves as raw and natural wherever possible, ensuring a healthier lifestyle.
Taking all of this into consideration, it has always been important for us to keep our product recipes current and adjusting it with the health needs and wants out there. In a world where processed food and poor nutrition has become so accessible, we hope to lead by example by giving customers access to functional health snacks.
We’re very excited to announce that that our new Super Berries bar is endorsed by Diabetes South Africa which makes it safe for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients to consume in the recommended serving size.
The Diabetes SA logo endorsement requires product/products to meet strict criteria to carry the logo. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa is the service provider of the Diabetes SA logo, who have had great success in managing their own Heart Mark logo endorsement programme for many years. The Diabetes SA endorsement is approved by the government, specifically for consumers with diabetes, using different criteria to the Heart Mark and any other endorsements.
According to a report from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the number of SA adults, aged 20 – 79 years old, with diabetes has soared to 4.6-million people, more than double the figure estimated in 2017. This means that South Africa has the highest proportion of adult diabetics on the continent, and the greatest number of deaths due to the disease.
We acknowledge that one product most certainly can’t change the world, but we are so honoured and grateful to form part of a movement that aims to better the lives of our fellow South Africans.
Order our new Super Berries bar online: https://rushnutrition.co/products/adult-bars?variant=39712713507021