Rush Nutrition endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa
Porschia RushOur mantra as a business has been ‘to turn the tide on disease’ by bringing to market products that are better for people and better for the planet. Whilst the simple, local and all-natural ingredients we use in our products speak for themselves. What’s not in our products speaks even louder.
Rather than fighting the old we set out to create a vision of the new, a vision which places wellbeing at its centre. With the emergence of research into the importance of the microbiome, intuitive eating and functional health we became convinced that the best way to help the 65% of people in South Africa who are earmarked to die due to chronic health conditions was through diet and lifestyle changes.
That is why we are so honoured and proud to have our 100% Pomegranate Juice endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa as part of their approved eating plan. As the leading killer worldwide, with 225 South Africans dying of heart disease per day and 10 people suffering a stroke per hour, we know that 80% of these cases can be prevented with the adoption of healthy lifestyles and clean, nutrient-dense nutrition. We hope that our endorsement goes a long way in turning this tide especially with research showing that pomegranate juice has a material impact on inflamed and congested arteries as it is rich in antioxidants and thus reduces oxidative stress. It’s ability to break down artery plague has also seen it linked to improved blood pressure markers.
Thank you for placing your trust in us to protect the hearts of South Africans, as the wellspring of life we do not take this lightly.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3678830/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pomegranates-for-the-prostate-and-the-heart-seeds-of-hope